This information is given as a very general guide and in good faith. takes no responsibility for any mishaps or mistakes that may eventuate. This information is not intended to replace proper medical advice and we caution visitors not to use this site as a substitute for professional medical care.
We also urge anyone in an active sexual relationship to practise safe sex and avoid Sexually Transmitted Diseases STD’s.
Menstrual Cycles are very individual and can be affected by any number of stresses. We cannot predict anybodies biological fertile time based on general advice.
On to the questions – we have divided the FAQ’s into topics.
General menstruation questions
Pregnancy occurs when a woman has sexual intercourse during her fertile time, which is when she is ovulating. Go to Physically Speaking for a more in depth description of how ovulation occurs. Ovulation can potentially occur twice in a woman’s cycle. Usually it occurs midcycle, in response to the action of hormones, but it can also happen spontaneously at another time in response to the action of the moon.
Generally it is safe to have sexual intercourse at any time other than when a woman is fertile / ovulating, as long as that time does not coincide with her fertile lunar phase. So you really need to know when you have fertile mucus and when your natal lunar return occurs.
This is just a general rule, It is impossible to say that on day X ovulation does occur, because it is a highly individual process, for example one woman may ovulate on day 12 and another on day 15. There are no hard and fast rules, menstrual cycles vary from woman to woman and even cycle to cycle. The rhythm method of counting the days can be dangerous because of this variation. The best thing a woman can do is to become very familiar with her own body and able to recognise her own signs of ovulation and fertility.
See Could I be pregnant?
How long is a woman fertile for?
A woman is fertile whenever she has fertile mucus or whenever her natal lunar fertile time occurs.
During biological ovulation – There is a space of time before ovulation when there are changes in your body which warn you that fertility is increasing. Specifically these are changes in the quality of your cervical/vaginal mucus. These changes increase the chances of sperm staying alive for longer in your cervix, thus making it possible for fertilisation to occur.
For example if a woman has sexual intercourse 2 days before she ovulates while she has fertile mucus, then the sperm may be able to stay alive in her fertile mucus for that two days and thus still fertilise the incoming egg when she ovulates. Sperm can live for up to 3 – 5 days
So knowing when you have fertile mucus is important if you want to know when you can get pregnant.
In its infertile state, cervical mucus is quite hostile to incoming sperm and the possibility of pregnancy is significantly diminished.
The best way is to use a combination of observation methods… checking your cervical/vaginal mucus and taking your basal (at rest) temperature on a regular basis. Learning how to do this properly takes some time and application but once you have learn’t to recognise your fertile signs it becomes very simple.
For more information it is best to contact a Natural Fertility Management Counsellor Go here, or get hold of the book “Natural Fertility Management” by Francesca Naish
“Change in the cervical mucus is the only observable symptom that precedes ovulation and, therefore, gives reliable warning of approaching fertility” , from the book Natural Fertility Management.
There are a few different types of mucus, 4 in fact but I will just describe the differences between infertile and fertile mucus here:
Infertile Mucus :is characteristically thick, opaque, tacky and sticky, like paper paste. This mucus does not protect or support sperm and the natural acidity of the vagina destroys the sperm. And sperm cannot swim through it!
Fertile Mucus : characteristically watery, fluid, thinner, clearer, slippery and more profuse… sperm can definitely swim through it. Like nature’s KY jelly almost, think about it, the mucus is providing natural lubrication.
To observe your mucus simply feel the mouth of your vagina on a regular basis. That is use a couple of fingers and gently place them at the mouth of your vagina. You will be able to feel whether it is dry or wet, and if you keep records you will soon start to see a pattern emerging. Checking your mucus each time you go to the toilet especially around fertile times is a good habit as mucus and fertility can change very rapidly. It is unnecessary and inaccurate to test inside your vagina.
It depends on whether your period coincides with your fertile lunar phase (see below). If it does… well then Yes it is a possibility that you may get pregnant if you have unprotected sex. If it doesn’t then you should be OK.
The lunar phase refers to the phase of the moon that you were born under. Research has shown that when the angle between the moon and the sun ie. the lunar phase, is the same as it was when you were born, this is a potentially fertile time.Lunar phases explains this further.Ovulation can occur spontaneously often triggered by intercourse itself. This has explained many instances of women becoming pregnant after having intercourse during their period… a supposedly safe time! To find out your lunar phase, you can either have your natal astrology chart done or you can go here.
Usually if you have had a period it indicates that you aren’t pregnant. However, sometimes women can bleed when they are pregnant but it is not like a normal period, that is, it is not the release of the womb lining like a normal period is. Generally this bleeding is different – in quantity and quality.
It is possible if your period coincides with your natal lunar fertile time, but it is not the ideal time. Trying during ovulation is a much more successful way to get pregnant.