Hot flushes along with night sweats are probably the most common symptom that women complain of when they are in menopause. The sudden feeling of warmth that builds up from inside of you and for some women they also start to sweat profusely. Hot flushes are not only uncomfortable they can also be quite embarrassing for most women. It is hard to explain in the corporate setting why you suddenly have sweat pouring off you and you are removing your layers of clothing in order to cool down. Hot flushes can also have other nice symptoms such as a racing heart and your face turns bright red to go along with the internal combustion that is happening.
It is thought that between 60% and 75% of women experience hot flushes in some form. For some women hot flushes happen irregularly and are fairly mild and only last a few seconds. For other the sensation can be extremely uncomfortable with heating, sweating, racing heart and can last for 30 minutes or longer at a time. Night Sweats are similar to hot flushes but the occur at night during sleep.
We are not clear on what the mechanism for the irregular overheating of the body is. It is believed that the hypothalamus (a gland in the brain) which is responsible for controlling out body temperature is influenced by our hormones and the drop in oestrogen can trigger the hypothalamus to respond in an unusual manner. It is thought that the hypothalamus senses that the body is overheating, and it heats the body up further to cause you to cool down quickly. Hot flushes tend to be worse in post-menopausal women when oestrogen levels remain low but can also occur on peri-menopausal women as their oestrogen levels rapidly decrease and then increase again.
While changes in oestrogen levels might be a trigger for hot flushes and night sweats the underlying cause is either stress or a liver that is not functioning at its optimal level. There are some things that you can do to help reduce or even eliminate your hot flushes and night sweats.
It is important not to self-prescribe herbs, what works for one woman my not work for you. Please see a naturopath/herbalist for the right herbs for you
There are some specific nutrients that will support the adrenals and reduce hot flushes
Every woman’s journey through this stage of life is different so it is important to have a personalised approach to managing hot flushes and night sweats.
Article by Angela Counsel
Angela Counsel Menopause Coach is a qualified Naturopath and Kinesiologist who is passionate about sharing as much information about menopause as she can. She believes that “knowledge is power” and when women have the right information, they can make informed choices about that is right for their body. Angela consults privately and also runs a successful group program called “embrace”. To learn more visit or book a complimentary Discovery Call with her to get your questions answered.