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Affirmations and getting pregnant

Affirmations are “positive personal statements that modify negative personal beliefs and expectations, and motivate and influence us in new directions” (“From Burnout to Balance” by D Jaffe and C Scott).

The key for effective affirmations are:

They are written / said in the present tense, here and now.

It is essential that you word your affirmations in the present tense, as if the desired event that you want is already happening.

For example, your affirmations can start with the following words:

  • I am ready to
  • I am open to
  • I now

This signals to your subconscious that you are ready for whatever you want to start happening now. So your subconscious can start working on it now and not in some vague future tense. If we word our affirmation in a future tense, that’s where it will stay and the future does not become now.

They are positive

It is a fact that the human subconscious cannot hear negatives. That is, your subconscious cannot hear “don’t” “can’t” “not” and words of that nature. So if you word an affirmation with these negatives in them, you may get the opposite result.

Let me illustrate, if you say ” I don’t ovulate on the Full Moon “, your subconscious hears and implements “I ovulate on the Full Moon”.

Make it short

Short statement are direct and powerful, sending a clear message to your subconscious.

Repetition, Repetition, Repetition

If you have a new idea you are trying to introduce into the subconscious, repetition is the key to quicker results.

Emotional Impact

Using emotional cues makes affirmations stick more quickly. An event or piece of information that is accompanied by an emotional response is more easily remembered. Think back on your own life, I am sure you can recall a traumatic or happy event very easily, the feelings generated at that time imprint it “smack” into your memory or subconscious.

That is why if you are doing affirmations or visualisations picture it in colour, “hear” sound, employ your senses to make it real.


As they say Rome wasn’t built in a day, creating something new in your life takes persistence. Your current mind is a result of all the information it has taken in over many years, so doing an affirmation for a couple of days, probably won’t have a lot of impact. Having doing it for a number of weeks and actively using them could make all the difference.


It helps to believe in the affirmation process because it will help you to stick with it. But believing in affirmations does not affect their validity, if you were doing them with feeling on a regular basis in the right way, then they will work. If you don’t believe, do more research on the mind and the ways it works. Try it – what have you got to lose?

Be relaxed

To bypass the RAS filter it is best to be in a relaxed state of mind.

For more info on the subconscious go here

Making Affirmations Easy

I recently discovered some great software called Sculptor 3 which makes the affirmation process really easy, effective and powerful.

Once I started using the software I got really excited because I knew it could help women who were trying to conceive.

Sculptor 3 is the only program available anywhere that combines 7 of the best results-amplifying technologies that are tested and proven to increase the power and speed of manifestation. Here they are:

  • Affirmations
  • Visualization
  • Alpha sound technology (to induce highly receptive meditative states)
  • Subliminal technology
  • Sentence completion
  • Assignment writing/goal setting
  • Whole brain synchronization (utilizing thought, intuition, sensation and emotion)

Sculptor 3 has made it easy for me to do my affirmations regularly and provides a structured format in which to get it done.

The program is highly effective, and if you are interested in harnessing the power of the mind to help you achieve pregnancy then you really need to check it out see Affirmations Sculptor Software


Recognise Fertility Guide